From December 10 to 19, the BIS ART GALLERY hosts the collective exhibition #your_sincere_frend.

People need each other. This simple truth highlights the significance of human connection, the need for interaction, and the desire to share one’s feelings and emotions with others. This natural aspiration, which is inherent in everyone, can take on many forms.

In the realm of digital communication, which may seem impersonal and technical, there are numerous ways to express your emotions and find understanding. Such as video stories and everyday life photos, that appeal to a wide audience, or embedded media in private chats. Even ordinary text correspondence can become more expressive by using concise parenthesis, emojis, or comical stickers with images of cats, for example. Even a simple dot at the end of a short phrase can take on an emotional meaning.

But how closely do these mechanisms resemble real life interaction? How do they help us find contact, or can they become a tool for manipulating and distorting our own expressions? The exhibition invites visitors to see how artists interpret this theme. The exposition features artworks that explore the themes of sincerity and relationships in virtual communication. Authors reveal the problem of self-presentation and search for recognition in the media space, as well as critical perception of these processes from the outside.


Artists: Anastasia Shemyakina, SteP. G, Anna Konopleva, Korolkoshek, Alexandra Khalipskaya, Yulia Khishenko, Maria Trautwien, Sergey Kozlikin, Eva Lankina, Maria Vyalshina, Natalia Dyukova, Dina Tsypina, Alina Saleeva.


Сurator: Sofya Tokareva

Idea: Ekaterina Plehanova


Dates: 10.12 — 19.12

Часы работы галереи: 12:00 — 20:00, Tue— Sun

Free entrance, 18+